Behaviour Points

Consequences within the classroom

The following eight steps explain the classroom based sanctions. The intention is that most students will always work within this framework. Teaching staff should always work hard to prevent students from reaching Stage 4. Students should not be removed from class for trivial reasons. At no point should a student ever be sent to stand outside a classroom.

However, when students do disturb the academic progress of their peers or make the working life of the teacher unacceptably stressful and unpleasant then they must be removed from that environment.

Step 1 – Verbal Warning:

This is not recorded and should always be directed at individual students and not the class. Indicate clearly that what they are doing is unacceptable.

Step 2 – Second warning:

If a student continues to behave unacceptably, the planner is handed to the teacher.

If a student stays within Steps 1 and 2, no further action needs to be taken provided that students return to behaviour that is consistently within the rules.

Step 3:

If a student continues to behave in an unsatisfactory manner then a written comment is recorded in the student planner and the student could be moved in class (S3 comment = 2 negative behaviour points on Class Charts). When a student has received two Step 3 written comments in one subject area they will need to serve a department detention. Each Curriculum area leader is responsible for co-ordinating these detentions.

Failure to attend a department detention would result in a 30 minute after school detention the following day.

Step 4:

If the student is persisting to behave in an unsatisfactory manner then a S4 detention is recorded in the planner and the student will automatically receive a 60 minute school detention the following day (S4 detention = 4 negative points on Class Charts). The student is now removed.

If it is appropriate the student could be removed by SLT to another classroom within the department. However, a student could also be placed directly into the RFR room for the remainder of the lesson.

If a student reaches Step 4 twice in one day they will do a full day in isolation the following day plus a 90 minute after school detention.

Step 5 – Isolation/Room for Reflection:

Isolation is an extremely serious sanction. Although we want to keep all of our students in their lessons we will inevitably have to move some into isolation. They will work in here for the remainder of the lesson and possibly longer, dependent on their cooperation, and they will be issued with an after school detention the following day for 90 minutes (Isolation = 6 negative points on Class Charts).

Step 6 – Long term isolation/Room for Improvement:

Instant removal to the internal exclusion room and senior staff involvement. This will allow the student time to reflect on their actions and work on resolving any issues that they have with close one to one support. There will also be a comprehensive bank of work from all curriculum areas that will allow students to continue working in a purposeful environment. Students will be isolated for the full day in the first instance and will not socialise with other students. However, this can be for significantly longer periods of time if required to meet the needs of the student.

Students will move to Step 7 when the final four day period of isolation has been served.

Step 7 – Behaviour Contract:

When a student has accumulated a specific number of behaviour points and they have spent the final four day period in isolation they will be placed on a behaviour contract. Breaking the contract will result in the student being placed in isolation, either RFI or RFR. Heads of House and Achievement Directors and SLT will work closely with students who are on a behaviour contract. Once the contract has been broken on a fourth occasion, the student will be excluded from school for fixed term period.

Step 8 – Fixed term and Permanent exclusion:

Students who persistently break their behaviour contract or who commit particularly serious misdemeanour can expect to find themselves at Step 8.

Depending upon a student’s exclusion history and the nature of the offence, the exclusion pattern could be:

Bishop Young Academy is a fully inclusive school and we will always work hard with our students and their families to avoid a permanent exclusion. However, there are extremely serious incidents that warrant this ultimate punishment.

The Attitudes to Learning (ATL) Grid

This can be used both in and out of the classroom.

Step 1 –

Staff are asked to give a verbal warning without recording this in the student planner.

Step 2 –

When there is a clear distinction between carelessness and deliberate intent to disobey the school expectation, an ATL code should be recorded in the ATL grid in the planner and on Class Charts (1 negative point).  A one hour after school detention will be issued as an immediate consequence when a student fails to meet the basic behaviour expectations of the school on 6 occasions (See ATL Grid below).

Students late to school with no good reason will go immediately into a lunchtime detention. Students late to school twice in a week will go into an after school detention. Students who forget their planner will collect a day sheet and receive a lunchtime detention. They must present their planner at the Pastoral office the following day and hand in their day sheet.

Step 3 –

The lunch detentions will be supervised by the Achievement Directors, The Head of Pastoral Care and the Senior Leadership team and will take place at lunchtime. Students will have the opportunity to get their lunch before the detention.

Step 4 –

Students who fail to attend a lunchtime detention or are late twice in a week for no good reason will be placed in after school detention.

Steps 5 and 6 –

These will operate in exactly the same way as Steps 5 and 6 for Consequences in the Classroom.

Behaviour Points

To keep track of student behaviours more effectively, each consequence will have an attributable behaviour point.

This means that if a student moves through all consequences within a lesson, they would aggregate a total of 6 points. S3 + S4 = 2 points + 4 points + = 6 points in total.

The greater the number of behaviour points, the greater the concern. As the total number of behaviour points for a student increases, the range for alternative strategies of support or sanctions required would also increase. This will range from detentions, report cards, isolation, parental meetings, IBP’s, contracts etc. This is where the support from the Head of House can have a really positive impact.

Students placed in isolation will receive a minimum of 10 behaviour points.

At the end of every term, behaviour points are reset to zero. Although reset, to try and provide a fresh start for everybody, behaviour points accrued since starting Bishop Young Academy are examined to look for patterns of behaviour. This historic view point is taken into consideration when making future decisions regarding serious sanctions.

Student circumstances and actions will be considered individually and as such the support and/or sanctions will be tailored to the individual student where appropriate.

House managers will monitor trends in behaviour both in and out of the classroom and they will adopt strategies to support individual students as necessary.

Bishop Young C of E Academy

Bishops Way
LS14 6NU

Tel: 0113 320 0582
Fax: 0113 273 4216

Registered Office:

Abbey Multi Academy Trust
c/o Chapter House
Abbey Grange Church of England Academy
Butcher Hill
LS16 5EA
Registered Company Number: 07705552