The School Day

This will look completely different to what you are used to at your primary school. You will see different teachers, different students and lots of different classrooms every day. Break times and lunch times will also be different. Look at the daily timetable below and complete the tasks afterwards.

8.20am - All students inside the school building

8.25 - 9.30 - Start of the school day and Lesson 1

9.30 - 10.30 - Lesson 2

10.30 - 10.50 - Tutor time or assembly

10.50 - 11.10 (BREAK) - During break you can go to the canteen to buy some food or socialise with your friends outside in the quad.  This is also a chance to see your teachers if you need to speak to them.

11.10 - 12.10 - Lesson 3

12.10 - 1.10 - Lesson 4

1.10 - 1.55 (LUNCHTIME) - The small and large canteens are open, and  you can socialise in the quad, or on the school playing fields. There are  also lots of clubs that you can attend.  

1.55 - 3.00 - Lesson 5

At 3.00, it is time to go home or you may stay behind to join in some extra-curricular activities.  A list of these will be in your form room.These are not just sports clubs, we have clubs for all areas of the curriculum.

Why not compare what your day at primary school was like, to the day at Bishop Young and complete the following quiz. Completing these quizzes will start to build up positive points on our behaviour system and will enter you for prizes.

Compare Your Day Quiz

Before school, Break times and Lunch times

You can enter the school building from 8.00am onwards through the Student entrance below.

Student Entrance

This leads directly into the main canteen where you can purchase food for breakfast between 8.00am and 8.20am. You can also purchase food here at break time,10.50am until 11.10am, and lunch time, 1.10pm until 2.40pm. Some breakfast items are free of charge as this is the most important meal of the day, particularly for secondary school students.

Main Diner

At lunch time we also open the smaller diner for students who prefer sandwiches or a lighter lunch.

Small Diner

If you choose to bring a packed lunch, then you are still welcome to sit in the main canteen or the small canteen with your friends. There are also areas outside where you can eat your packed lunch too.


At break time you are allowed to go into the main canteen or into what we call the ‘Quad’. This is the outside space in the middle of the school building. This is a social space where students sit or stand and talk to their friends, or even play on one of the many table tennis tables. Each year group, including Year 7, have their own table and we have half-termly competitions.

At lunch time we open up the same areas, and also the school fields and the sports courts.

Students again can use these spaces to socialise with their friends or organise sporting activities.

Students are not allowed into the building at break time or lunchtime, unless they have a pass in their student planner to attend an extra-curricular club. These will be given out by your Form Tutor or Year Leader.

Bishop Young C of E Academy

Bishops Way
LS14 6NU

Tel: 0113 320 0582
Fax: 0113 273 4216

Registered Office:

Abbey Multi Academy Trust
c/o Chapter House
Abbey Grange Church of England Academy
Butcher Hill
LS16 5EA
Registered Company Number: 07705552