You will become a Year 7 student at Bishop Young Academy, and you will go to all of your lessons with other Year 7 students. Some of them you will already know, but many of them will be from different schools.
You will also become a member of a Cathedral, and the Cathedrals are made up of students from every year group, so you will get to know students in other year groups very quickly. Some primary schools have a house system and this is very similar to that.
Each year group has a Year Leader and they are very important people and key members of our Pastoral team.
The Year Leaders will be the first point of contact at the school for your parents and carers and during the school day they will always be available if you need to speak to them. They will help you with any questions or issues that you have. They all share an office in the Lobby area of school as you enter through the main reception.
Now you have read about the Year Leaders and their role in school, complete our quiz below thinking about the people that helped you get through primary school.
Your Year Leader will do the job that many of these people did, but there are other members of staff that will help you at Bishop Young too. You will have a Form Tutor who you will see daily at 10.30am. You will either stay with them in the tutor room or they will escort you to the assembly hall.
Memory test: Can you name your reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6teachers? At Bishop Young Academy you may have more teachers than this in 1day!
Bishops Way
LS14 6NU
Tel: 0113 320 0582
Fax: 0113 273 4216
Abbey Multi Academy Trust
c/o Chapter House
Abbey Grange Church of England Academy
Butcher Hill
LS16 5EA
Registered Company Number: 07705552