Uniform & Equipment

Uniform at BYA

All students in Year 7 to 11 are required to wear the approved school uniform. We expect high standards of work and behaviour from our students, and believe that these are helped by high standards of dress and appearance. All items of school uniform are worn conventionally and we expect all Parents/Carers to support our simple and practical requirements.

Our uniform is as follows:

Optional - black pullover with Academy crest to be worn under the blaze

Please note the following:

Outdoor clothing

Students should wear plain, practical coats which offer them good protection in bad weather.
The term 'coat' does not refer to sweatshirts, cardigans or hooded tops.
Outdoor coats must not be worn in class or upstairs in the school building.

The wearing of any item of denim clothing is not acceptable. Hats, caps or hoods must not be worn on the academy site. The Principal reserves the right to send home any students who he considers to be inappropriately dressed, whether in terms of the stated academy guidelines, or of safety, decency or practicality.

School Equipment - What do I need on my first day.

Over the summer you will need to make sure that you have everything on the list below. These items need to be with you every day.

The Student Planner

You will receive a Student Planner when you start Year 7. You must keep this with you at all times because you will need to record information in it and so will your teachers. Your parents and carers may also want to use this to communicate with members of staff, and to also monitor your progress at school. It will be signed by your form tutor and your parent or carer every week.

Successful students use their planner very effectively to organise their school life. They record hand in dates for homework, school sports fixtures and many other key dates. It also contains your timetable and a map of the school, which is essential for every Year 7 student.

Your form tutor will spend time going through the school planner during your first week at Bishop Young Academy, helping you to use it properly.

Bishop Young C of E Academy

Bishops Way
LS14 6NU

Tel: 0113 320 0582
Fax: 0113 273 4216

Registered Office:

Abbey Multi Academy Trust
c/o Chapter House
Abbey Grange Church of England Academy
Butcher Hill
LS16 5EA
Registered Company Number: 07705552